Index by Country
(116 entities, 400+ designs)
(approximate number of designs forged not including
the sub-types)
new types discovered since Sperati II book are noted by
red * The collection-mounted pages in a
searchable, compressed, 214 page PDF file is
The vast majority of material on the pages is ex the Carl Walske
The individual country page images, at a higher dpi, are
thumb-nailed on the main country page.
Several card proof collections are also shown as PDF files:
British Commonwealth,
Spain & Colonies,
Italian States,
German States,
France, and
Switzerland. These
are BPA pulls from original Sperati negatives printed in black on glossy
photo card stock and backstamped by BPA. These groups include
cancels as well as the Sperati stamp reproductions. Additional
British Empire images of Sperati reproductions imaged on black
background, on photopaper without BPA handstamp (from Robson Lowe's
BPA collection) are